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How To...

How To...

How To...
  • How To - Build Professional Connections

    One of the challenges and opportunities in any career is building and maintaining professional connections. For some of us, even hearing the word “networking” gets our heart racing - and not in a good way. In this video we explore three attachment types that can help us understand how to network ...

  • How To - Lead Across Cultures

    It can be challenging working across cultures. There are core assumptions in our cultural world view that we may not even recognise. In this video we explore a model of cultural difference along with six practical ways to work across cultures more effectively.

  • How To - Let Go and Move On

    Striving for goals is generally a good thing. Self-control helps us to move towards our goals, delaying other potentially tempting distractions in the hope for a better return for our efforts. But what happens when the goal we are chasing after becomes unachievable for reasons outside our control...

  • How To - Work Out How to Work

    Chances are your team and organisation are struggling to figure out how best to work. Are we in the office? If so, how many days a week? Who gets to decide which days? Can't I just work from home all the time? Leaders are thoroughly confused about the best way forward. In this video we step throu...

  • How To - Boost Creativity with Movement

    Some leaders have expressed concerns about people working from home, particularly around the risks of reduced collaboration and creativity. But whether we're at home or in an office, the freedom to move makes a big difference to our creativity. Consider new ways to boost creativity for your team ...

  • How To - Avoid Being Let Down by Others

    Have you ever been let down by someone? Perhaps you thought they were a "good" person, but found out they did something surprisingly bad. Research demonstrates that an experience like this not only shakes our faith in that person, but also causes us to question our ability to judge character. Fin...

  • How To - Build Cooperation by Offering Support

    It’s easy to think that society has become more individualistic and self-centred. With that, you might assume that cooperation between strangers has decreased over time. However recent research demonstrates that the opposite is true. Learn more in this video.

  • How To - Stay Focused Online

    Video calls can really sap our energy. Our brain isn’t very well equipped to focus on so many faces at once, making the gallery view in Teams and Zoom particularly challenging for our attention and energy levels. Research demonstrates some simple tips to avoid the negative impacts of video calls.

  • How To - Push Through the Discomfort of Learning

    Learning new things requires us to step out of our comfort zone. If we’re feeling comfortable, we’re not learning. Research demonstrates ways we can push through this feeling.

  • How To - Listen as an Extravert

    Extraverted individuals are often seen as more comfortable and confident in social situations. This might appear to set extraverts up for success at work and in leadership, but a recent study suggests there may be a downside. Extraverts are often rated lower in listening skills. In this video we ...

  • How To - Keep Good Ideas Alive

    In our teams we want to cultivate the right ideas. That means keeping an eye out for others’ good ideas and helping them to grow. Researchers have identified five practical things leaders can do to cultivate others’ good ideas. Learn more in this video.

  • How To - Tackle Disagreement

    Disagreements take a lot of effort and mental energy. It makes sense to resolve them as soon as possible. In this video we explore five ways to move forward when you need to tackle disagreement.

  • How To - Gain Support by Showing Stress

    Have you ever thought about why we demonstrate stress? Surely showing signs of stress to others puts us at a disadvantage. Why would we want to show weakness? And why do even the most accomplished professionals still show signs of stress? Find out about the benefits of showing our emotions includ...

  • How To - Improve Recruitment with Diversity

    We know that diversity in organisations produces lots of benefits when it is well managed. A well-managed diverse team will out perform a more uniform team every time. But actively promoting the diversity of an organisation also appears to help its attractiveness to job seekers. Find out about th...

  • How To - Benefit from Mind Wandering

    Mind wandering is usually viewed negatively. We typically view mind wandering as a failure to maintain focus, taking us away from something to which we should be paying attention. However, mind wandering may not be quite as bad as we thought. It's often in those mind wandering states that we come...

  • How To - Benefit from Variety in Development

    You may have heard the expression that variety is the spice of life, but variety also turns out to be important for development and learning. Research shows us that learning in a broader and more variable setting provides a range of benefits to our development.

  • How To - Be More Strategic

    People often share they've received feedback that they need to be more strategic. They're typically no more clear about it than that - just that they've been told to be more strategic. In this video we explore the four main areas where we can all be more strategic.

  • How To - Build a High Performing Team

    The last few years have placed enormous pressures on teams. What leads some teams to collapse under the pressure while others thrive? Research by Ron Friedman and colleagues has uncovered five things high-performing teams do differently to other teams. Learn more in this "how to" video.

  • How To - Manage Bias

    All of us have biases that shape our behaviour. In this video we explore three ways to reduce bias and minimise the impact of bias.

  • How To - Create Customer Value

    Creating customer value is central for any successful organisation. If we aren’t creating value for our customers, we are bound to fail. Learn more about ways to identify your customers and ensure you're meeting their true needs.

  • How To - Avoid Excessive Pride

    We’ve all heard the expression, pride comes before a fall. Being proud of our achievements is fine. The issue is when we elevate ourselves above others or think we are infallible. So whenever there is a track record of success, pride can become a problem. Learn five ways to avoid this risk.

  • How To - Schedule Decisions to Reduce Worry

    Sometimes we can become overly focused on a change or decision, with our thinking looping back repeatedly. This can sap our energy and reduce our focus. Scheduling a time in advance to make a decision can improve this dramatically.

  • How To - Succeed in a New Role

    Starting a new role can be really challenging. There is so much to get your head around. Researchers Cross, Pryor and Sylvester found those who are most successful in new roles build broad, mutually beneficial connections right from the start. This helps these so-called "fast movers" to be more e...

  • How To - Use Deadlines Well

    Deadlines can be really helpful if we use them well. Deadlines attract our attention and energy. So if we set deadlines for things that aren't important, they will draw out attention and energy away from the things that really matter. Learn how to set effective deadlines in this "how to" video.