How To - Help People to Pay Attention
2m 8s
Attention is a limited resource. It can be hard to maintain your attention on one task over an extended period of time. You can think of attention like a tank that is gradually depleted over time. Even when people report that they are engaged with a task, the research demonstrates that their attention will wane. But there are two factors that can help people to pay attention. We explore these in this video.
Up Next in Feedback
How To - Decide When to Use Feedback ...
Feedback and coaching are two core skills that all leaders need. However, we can often confuse the goals of feedback and coaching. As a result, we may be unclear about the type of conversation we’re having, confusing those we are speaking with. In this video we explore when to use feedback and co...
How To - Structure One on One Meetings
It’s no secret that people hate performance reviews. They are one of those 'must do' activities that both managers and team members tend to dislike. In this video we explore a regular one-on-one meeting format that can help address the challenges of performance management and engagement.
How To - Deal with Defensiveness
I am sure that you have needed to work with a defensive person before. Perhaps they just didn’t want to hear some feedback that is being provided. Or they quickly blamed others when something went wrong. Maybe they were resistant to new initiatives and changes. In this video we discuss three ways...