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  • How To - Stay Focused Online

    Video calls can really sap our energy. Our brain isn’t very well equipped to focus on so many faces at once, making the gallery view in Teams and Zoom particularly challenging for our attention and energy levels. Research demonstrates some simple tips to avoid the negative impacts of video calls.

  • How To - Schedule Decisions to Reduce Worry

    Sometimes we can become overly focused on a change or decision, with our thinking looping back repeatedly. This can sap our energy and reduce our focus. Scheduling a time in advance to make a decision can improve this dramatically.

  • How To - Multiply Support Through Community

    If you needed help, who would you turn to? Most of us have a few friends or work colleagues that we can turn to for help. But how supportive do you think these people would be? It turns out that how much these colleagues and friends know and like each other has an impact on the level of support w...

  • How To - Improve Your Health by Regaining Control

    Autonomy is recognised as one of the core motivators people have in the workplace. With greater freedom and control over the way we perform our work comes higher levels of motivation and commitment. Research suggests that greater job control also improves our health and reduces our likelihood of ...

  • How To - Build Healthy Leadership Habits

    Leadership habits are important. We all have routines and disciplines that either help or hinder our leadership impact. The good news is that leadership is a set of skills and behaviours that we can all learn and develop. Leadership is what we do every day that helps us to achieve results through...

  • How To - Not Be So Hard On Yourself

    We’ve all had moments when we feel like we’ve let others down. They can really play havoc on our well-being and productivity. So how do we best respond in those moments? Research demonstrates that a little self-compassion goes a long way. In this video we explore the three components of self-comp...

  • How To - Reduce Stress for Your Team

    There is plenty of stress around at the moment. As leaders, managing ongoing and acute stress effectively for ourselves and our teams is essential. Few things spread faster than the negative emotions associated with stress and fear. In this video we explore one practical way to reduce stress for ...

  • How To - Reduce Stress Through Exercise

    If you have a stressful job chances are you already know that exercise will help. Exercise reduces stress. But research also demonstrates that the stress we experience at work reduces our desire to exercise. In this video we share four ideas to increase and make the most out of exercise.

  • How To - Benefit Others Through Mindfulness

    Mindfulness has seen dramatically increased popularity in recent years, particularly within Western organisations. And why not? Mindfulness has repeatedly demonstrated lots of personal benefits for individuals. As a result, mindfulness almost automatically appears in leadership development traini...

  • How To - Use Empathy in Leadership

    The topic of empathy in leadership can lead to some really interesting conversations. Many leaders will talk about empathy being absolutely essential to leading others effectively - and they’re right. Others will talk about the risk of empathy leading to burnout as we take on the concerns of othe...

  • How To - Stop Procrastinating

    Procrastination plagues many of us. In fact, research suggests that around 25% of people have procrastination as a defining personality trait. But whether you procrastinate all the time or just every so often, I’m sure you would love to procrastinate a little less. Learn some practical steps to try.

  • How To - Take a Break

    Being busy and being effective rarely go together. In this video we explore the importance of recovery and breaks for our performance. You will find seven ideas for making a change to the way you work to deliver even greater results while also looking after yourself and others.

  • How To - Make the Workplace More Fun

    A fun workplace isn't just a nice thing. Having fun at work has significant impacts on performance, engagement, and stress. But research shows that not all fun is created equal. In this video we explore why fun works best when it's part of the job itself.

  • How To - Benefit From Doing Good

    Research demonstrates there are numerous benefits for individuals and organisations from kindness and doing good at work. We provide three ideas to boost the amount of kindness in your workplace.

  • How To - Make and Break Habits

    Researchers have used an interesting approach to find out more about making and breaking habits. There are two factors we can each vary to make or break a habit. Learn more in this video.

  • How To - Rid Yourself of Impostor Syndrome

    Impostor syndrome is the fear of being exposed as a fraud. Thinking that we lack the capability necessary for the challenges we face, and are only avoiding being found out through hard work and luck. In this video we explore nine ways to rid yourself of impostor syndrome.

  • How To - Harness the Power of Gratitude at Work

    Gratitude helps us individually and collectively in many ways, includng taking us away from a natural tendency to focus too much on the negatives. Here are some practical ways to boost gratitude for yourself and your team.

  • How To - Tame Your Limiting Thoughts

    We all have automatic limiting thoughts that can reduce our confidence and effectiveness. In this video we explore five ways to retrain your inner critic.

  • How To - Match Your Work to Your Sleep-Wake Cycle

    We all have preferences for our working hours based on chronotypes. Here are some tips if you're struggling with your sleep/wake cycle at work. Take this questionnaire by the Center for Environmental Therapeutics to discover your chronotype -

  • How To - Gain Benefits From Nature at Work

    Exposure to nature has a surprisingly wide range of benefits. Here are some tips to help gain the benefits of nature with your team.

  • Webinar: Demystifying Psychological Safety

    As the concept of psychological safety has become popularised, some of the key elements risk being overlooked. Some inaccurately portray psychologically safe cultures as soft on performance, with low standards, consensus decision making and niceness at all costs leading to risks being ignored.


  • How To - Lead a Team Through Grief

    Grief and loss are inevitable experiences for all of us. In this video we explore how to lead a team through grief.

  • How To - Stay Optimistic

    Optimism is pretty easy when things are going well. This week we explore how to stay optimistic, even in challenging situations.

  • How To - Overcome Procrastination

    Procrastination has been described as “our favourite form of self-sabotage” (Alyce Cornyn-Selby). This week we explore how to overcome it.